Calendar Stuff

Thoughts on the Current Moon Cycle

 Today is the 2nd Day of the 7th Moon Cycle (10M/5D/2024). The New Moon was seen on the night of 10/4/2024 in the US, South Africa, and yes in Y'shr'Al (Israel). Due to weather I was unable to sight it myself here in Canada. I am celebrating Sh'bayt (Sabbath) on Roman 6th day (Fri.) of the week for this Moon Cycle. See the calendar below. For details on this crescent moon sighting see the World Crescent Sightings page.  

                  9M/2024 to 11M/2024 Roman Month Format – 7th Moon Cycle of Scriptural Year





Last Sh'bayt (Sabbath) of 6th Moon Cycle


Day 1 of 2   New Moon Festival.

30th day of 6th Moon Cycle


Day 2 of 2   New Moon Festival.

7th Moon Cycle
Day 1. Yom Taru'aih (Trumpets)









First Sh'bayt (Sabbath)



Yom ha Kapayrim (Day of Coverings







Second Sh'bayt (Sabbath)

First Day of 7 Days of Feast of Tents.







Day 7 of 7 Feast of Tents.


 Third Sh'bayt (Sabbath), the 8th day pertaining to Feast of tents.









Last Sh'bayt (Sabbath) of 5th Moon Cycle


Day 1 of ?   New Moon Festival.








Calendar Articles

The Calendar of YaH. Not too lengthy, in depth, Scriptural perspective on what the origin of calendars in general is, and of how to tell time according to Scripture. Highly confrontational to modern day calendars and the false religious calendars of our world today. Unlike numerous other documents on websites about the Creator's calendar, it is very easy to understand. The topic of the weekly cycle is often falsely called the "lunar Sabbath," when in truth it is the Sh'bayt (Sabbath) of YaH.

New Years Resolutions and Making Resolutions. A short article confronting gentile or heathen celebrations of Roman New Years and making "resolutions" on said date.

The Scriptural Day. This document includes revelations on the Scriptural 24hr day. Is it morning to morning or evening to evening? See for yourself.

Rawsh Kh'dash or New Moon Festival: Those Dark Moon Days. This article deals with the New Moon festival. Speaks of the peculiar phrases regarding Psalm 81:4 (vs. 3 in Bibles), along with the dark moon vs. crescent debate.

How to Determine the Day of the Next Conjunction. Conjunction is the point in time when the moon is fully dark and in alignment with the sun and our planet. This helps us to know when the first visible crescent of the Moon Cycle will appear, and whether to celebrate a one or two day New Moon festival. The first visible crescent tells us when we can go back to work. Please ignore any reference to globe. Have not edited yet to correct for flat earth content. 

The Full Moon is New Moon Theory. Some people believe the time of the full moon is the time we observe as New Moon festival (Rawsh Kh'dash). I have done an in depth study of this and my response here shows disagreement.

7 Sh'baytoot (Sabbaths) and 50 Days. Studying the issue of the Feast of Weeks (Sh'bay'ait) and the 50 days (Yoom Khemishim). This examines also the issue of "khemets" (chamets commonly). It is NOT vinegar and all fermented products as Orthodox Judaism ridiculously gets rid of every year. This article also shows that the timeline of events in Sh'moot (Ex.) 12-19 does not support the giving of the commandments at the end of the 7 weeks! This is a great failure of understanding when it comes to Orthodox Judaism and New Testament believers who hold this feast.

The Position of the Moon in the Expanse. We must pay attention to the moon's light, crescent sighting, and its position.

The Catholic Church knows the original Sh'bayt (Sabbath) was by the moon. Catholic author Patrick Madrid Admits Scriptural Calendar is Lunar.


From 2023 1st Moon Cycle: 

    Today is the 29th Day of the 12th Moon Cycle (3M/21D/2023). The first New Moon is expected to be seen on the night of 3/22/2023. Therefore we are celebrating Sh'bayt (Sabbath) on Roman 4th day (Wed.) of the week for this Moon Cycle. See the calendar below. For details on this crescent moon sighting see the World Crescent Sightings page.

Photo of ripe barley in "Israel" courtesy of Yoel ha Levi below on 3/21/2023:


         The above photo collage as well as the report of over 25 fields examined by Devorah Gordon's team reveal that the barley harvest, being the key factor for the feast of Unleavened Bread, is now abundant in the dough stage for parching or presenting a sheaf to YaH throughout various parts of Y'shr'Al (Israel). Some people look to me and/or my website for guidance. Truth is I’m just a guy trying to follow YaH and the Turah (Law/Scripture). This year is going to be divisive as far as the calendar goes. Very few people will go by the past New Moon sighting on 2/21/23 as being the first moon cycle of this year. I had previously waffled regarding early information regarding the barley harvest in “Israel” provided by Nancy Lankford Summers, Becca Biderman, Randy Cates and Joseph Dumond. The sighting provided by Becca Biderman was a small field of barley that still looked green, some of which looked "sickly" according to the opinion of Yoel ha Levi. I was going by this information earlier due to the fact that no other reports were being revealed at the time and although winter is just beginning to turn to spring here in northern BC, I can't go by that alone. 

          Being an often lone witness in northern BC, Canada has its difficulties. This winter has been a long one, as also seen in Ontario and even California. In previous years I have spoken about bird migrations, trees budding, equal day time and night time (equinox), the bowl-shaped crescent (as seen in the Islamic symbol), the full "worm" moon and other issues that usually coincide with the first Moon Cycle of the Scriptural year. Some years all of these factors line up with the barley harvest in "Israel." Other years it can be challenging to see some signs line up while others don't. The full "worm" moon (as it is known to be called) took place a little early on this past full moon, which would be 3/7/2023. This is not however a determinative factor for the first moon cycle of the year. It is simply something that often lines up with it.  The crescent seen on 2/21/2023 appeared not quite in a perfect bowl shape, and I am expecting a better view on 3/22/2023 as I observe the New Moon sighting. Equal daytime and night time is closer to this moon sighting on 3/22/2023. It has been my experience that the equal day time to night time closest to a New Moon is generally one of the best indicators of alignment with the spring barley harvest and the first moon cycle of the Scriptural year. It is only an indicator like we would look at conjunction for New Moon. Trees are currently budding here and the snow is leaving as we head to this coming New Moon, as also coinciding with bird migrations. So all in all I would say that although I'm late in my understanding and posting of this information, my thoughts are that the New Moon of 3/22/2023 most closely shows itself as being the first Moon Cycle of this Scriptural year. 

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